Monday, February 9, 2009

Doctor Appointment Today

My appointment with my OB went well today. My blood pressure is still great and I'm still gaining about a pound a week on average. Elam's heartbeat is still normal. I asked the doctor about the neonatologist's comments regarding c-sections. She said that it is typical for neonatologists to be against c-sections. We talked a little about the risks and about my likelihood for having to do more c-sections in future pregnancies. It sounds like if I have a c-section that I should plan on having more in the future. Vaginal births after c-section (VBAC) are possible, but still not typical. My doctor is willing to do the c-section if I want it, and she's not too worried about the risks. We discussed all the different possibilities. I think the best option will be to wait until I go into labor, whenever that is (even if it's a little past my due date) because laboring is important for babies. At that point, we'll try for a normal delivery and monitor Elam's heartbeat closely. If he is distressed at any point, then we would do a c-section. But it is possible that he could do fine with a normal delivery. I'm excited about possibly doing a normal delivery, but I'm also fine with doing the c-section if that is what Elam needs. As with everything else in my pregnancy, we're just going to wait and see how he does.

My next OB appointment is in two weeks. After that I have one every week until my due date. Not too much longer now!

We have another ultrasound Thursday afternoon. We're looking forward to seeing Elam again. Please pray that he will cooperate. He's never been in a good viewing position and he doesn't move much, so we have a really hard time seeing his various body parts. We'll probably talk to the high-risk OB there about the hole in his heart. Please pray!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a c section with my first after being in labor for 20 hours and when I was pregnant with my second, my OB said I could try for a VBAC - that they do them all the time. I opted to have another csection (I didn't think either csection was that difficult to recover from at all) but I had the option of trying for a normal vaginal delivery. Don't let the negative doctor discourage you - some people are just negative people.