Monday, December 1, 2008

Appointment Today

My friend Karen went with me to the doctor today. Elam still has a healthy heartbeat. We both enjoyed listening to it. :)

The doctor and I discussed more about how Elam's delivery would be. I also talked to her about possibly having a C-section if I carried him close to term. If I carried him that far, and I go into normal labor, there's a better chance that he will survive for at least a little while if I have a C-section rather than a normal delivery. That would give us the chance to spend some time with him. Some doctors are not willing to do this because it is a major surgery and there's no guarantee as to how long the baby would survive. But my doctor said that she would be fine to do that if that's what we wanted. She has been very accommodating throughout this experience. I'm very grateful for her!

I have some exciting news to share... I felt Elam move this past Saturday and Sunday!! It was very brief, and it feels a little different than it used to, but I was very excited to feel him again! It was an answer to prayer! I had started feeling the "fluttering" movement when I was about 15 1/2 weeks, but it stopped when I was around 18 weeks. I'm praying that he will continue kicking, and that Ben will get to feel it, too.

Last week was difficult for me emotionally. I would think about little things, like not being able to hold him or feed him, and I would get very sad. But the last few days have been more encouraging. He's had such a strong heartbeat (it was especially loud on Saturday!) and he's been moving more to the point that I can feel it. I'm still not sure if God is going to heal him, but I'm so grateful that He's keeping him strong right now. God is so good and so trustworthy.

1 comment:

Jacob & Heather said...

Just wanted all of you to know that we are praying for you. We think and pray for all of you daily. I am glad you are doing the blog so we know how all of you are and so we can pray more specifically.

Heather, Jacob and Jaidyn