Monday, January 26, 2009

Doctor Appointment Today - 31.5 weeks

This morning I had another doctor appointment. Elam's heartbeat is still good. Last week, I noticed that I had finally gained a total of 10 pounds. I've had a hard time gaining weight, so it was exciting to finally reach the 10-pound mark. Soon after I noticed that, I suddenly gained another three pounds! It seemed to happen in just one day. I was a little concerned about that because rapid weight gain can be a symptom of pre-eclampsia, but the doctor said that it was probably fine. My blood pressure still looks good and I haven't had any other symptoms. So I'm excited to finally be gaining some more weight!

The doctor is going to call the neonatal intensive care unit at the hospital to arrange a time for us to take a tour. It will be a good time to ask questions about any decisions we may have to make once he's born if he is born alive (such as any life support we may or may not want him to have). I'm looking forward to this time so we can feel a little more prepared in case Elam does survive for a little while.

Elam has still been moving some. I can tell he's usually still sitting very low in my pelvis, but I have been feeling movement every day. I'm not sure if I'm feeling distinct kicks... I'm having a hard time distinguishing them from normal tummy-rumblings. But it is nice to still feel him move (pressure in different parts of my belly) every day.

I'm 31 1/2 weeks now. As I get closer and closer to my due date, it's exciting and scary all at the same time, thinking about what is in store for us very soon. I'm very much looking forward to meeting our little Elam, regardless of the circumstances. I've been thinking about him so much-- I'm excited to finally be able to see him, hold him, and kiss him. I was concerned for a long time about how I would react when I saw him, knowing that he has so many visible birth defects, but as time goes by, I care less and less about that and more and more about just holding and kissing my baby boy. Of course, I would absolutely love for him to be born alive so we can spend time with him.

Please continue to pray for Elam's complete healing and that we would be as prepared as possible for his arrival. Thank you!

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